Monday, November 10, 2008

thoughtsandthings...11/3-11/10 the exhale.

They say that you should never discuss politics or religion.
And though, I've always known that I truly understand why now.
What I've learned most during this process is that you
really don't know anyone.
You only know the bits and pieces that they choose to show you.
This election has brought out a side of some of my friends
that I wish I hadn't seen.
You should never judge anyone by whom or what they vote for.
But I don't know how to separate the person from their choices.
If you're voting to take away gay & lesbian marriage then
you're discriminating against others.
And this makes you not cool.
If you're living from check to check,
and you want better healthcare, and better schools
and the right to choose and you voted for McCain,
then in my opinion you have an issue with a black person
becoming your president.
Which makes you scary and really not cool.
I have friends that said to my face that they didn't
like McCain/Palin but voted for them anyway.
(They told me later that they just couldn't bring themselves
to vote Obama. wow!)
And that's okay. This is America. And you have that right.
Race being the issue is what makes me sad.
I'm naive.
I just assumed that if we vibed well and you got me
and I got you
that we thought alike.
that we shared the same views.
Some of me is conservative, but most of me
is pretty damn liberal.
I believe in justice for all and doing to
other people what you'd want done to you.
I admit that I'm stunned at how strongly we
debated, discussed, and argued over this election.
But I'm okay now.
Because it's over and it went my way.
And even though the McCain supporters
and the Yes on 8 people may not think so...
having Mr. Obama as our president went thier way too.

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