Monday, March 16, 2009

thoughtsandthings...3/16 Tweeting on Twitter

I'm an admitted Facebook junkie.
I usually spend more time on Facebook than anywhere else on the net.
But I noticed that more and more people were migrating over to Twitter.
Now, I'd been hearing about this Twitter thing.
I had even set up an account but I never hung out there very long.
I'd never really used it.
I resisted Twitter for a long time.
Until now!

Like anything else, Twitter has it's issues.
Or let me say, I have my issues WITH it.
On Twitter, I don't need you to accept my friend request.
I can just 'follow' you.
BUT unless we're both following one another,
I can't privately communicate with you.
Or even worse,
I have to post what I want to say to you in front of the whole damn world.
AND they can see you NOT replying back to me.

There should be Twitter etiquette.
If I follow you, you follow me.
If I say something to you, you say something back!

On Twitter, the only people talking to you are usually your friends.
If you're following a celebrity, chances are, that unless they
know you personally, they are only communicating with each other.
You don't know the countless conversations I've been in with Erykah Badu
and was the only one talking to me.
I often sign off feeling idiot.
"Hey Puffy, I'm TALKING to you over here".

The one good thing about Twitter is that it's in real time.
When someone says something you know that they said it right then.
I struggle with quick and witty updates.
Truth is, I just don't have that much going on.
So, I lurk more than anything.
I find what others are doing far more interesting.
Who knew how entertaining Beyonce's lil sister could be?

Twitter is like a quickie.
Instant messaging, real time. No details.
No where to hang out.
No tagging. No poking.
And I can only talk to you if you're 'Following'. Me. Too.

Facebook is more intimate.
You have to ask to be accepted as someone's friend.
One could see this as an inconvenience but I like it.
For when you accept me,
I know that you want me there for one reason or the other.
Facebook is more involved. More detailed.
I can visit your page.
I can view your pictures.
We can tag and poke one another.
I'm reminded of your birthday and can
post 'happy birthday' on your wall.
I can send you a private message and no one else will know.

I'm really a Facebook kinda girl.
I like it more intimate. more involved.
I've never been the tweeting twittering quickie type.
But I can't leave.
So follow me....

1 comment:

Teej said...

Hmmm so it's been almost a month since you posted this. Id love to see your updated feelings on Twitter now b/c you and I both know you've gotten more comfy with it, right? ;)